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Home / Blog / Baghouse Specifications: Key Parameters, Sizing, Surface Area, Filtration Velocity, and More

Baghouse Specifications: Key Parameters, Sizing, Surface Area, Filtration Velocity, and More

Author: Michael Klepik, Chief Executive Officer

What is a Baghouse?

This is an advanced air purification system designed to remove dust and other contaminants in industrial and manufacturing environments. They operate using bags that capture particles on their surfaces, ensuring a high level of atmosphere cleanliness. These cleaners are crucial for processes that demand strict cleanliness standards due to their exceptional efficiency. A baghouse particulate filter is capable of functioning under a variety of conditions, including elevated temperatures and harsh environments, making it highly versatile. Their ability to handle fine particulate matter makes them essential in processes with significant pollutant generation. Thanks to their adaptability to specific operating conditions, the devices offer a robust solution for industrial air purification.
Air Purification in Confined Spaces

Key Specifications

This equipment comes with a range of features, which must be adjusted according to specific operating conditions and gas purification requirements. The optimal performance of the air purifier is achieved through a combination of these parameters, precisely tailored to the task at hand, ensuring minimal operational costs and full compliance with environmental standards. Regular maintenance and monitoring of the baghouse filter’s particle size are also essential for maintaining atmosphere quality and system efficiency.

Typically, the baghouse specification provides the criteria needed for selecting and installing the treatment system. Let’s explore the main parameters related to the device’s operation.
Purpose of Air Purification Equipment

1. Performance (Q)

Performance refers to the volume of airstream that the device can process per unit of time, typically measured in cubic feet per minute. This parameter depends on the surface area, filtration speed, and the number of bags installed. High performance enables the purifier to handle large volumes of contaminated gas efficiently.

However, increasing performance can result in higher airflow resistance and reduced treatment efficiency if the filtration coverage is not adequately sized. Therefore, following the baghouse specification sheet is crucial to ensure optimal performance and effectiveness.

2. Filtration Velocity

It is a critical parameter that defines the effectiveness of the equipment. It is measured as the volume of gaseous mixture passing through a specific area of the surface over a specific period of time, i.e., ft³/(ft²·min). The formula for calculating the air-to-cloth ratio (a term used for treatment velocity in the baghouse data sheet) is:
Filtration Velocity = Q/A
Q is the volumetric airflow rate (ft³/min),
A is the coverage (ft²).

The air-to-cloth ratio reflects the intensity of airflow through the material and directly affects dust particle capture efficiency. High filtration velocity may lead to increased airstream drag and reduced treatment effectiveness, whereas too low a velocity might increase the baghouse filter sizing and cost.

3. Surface Area

It refers to the total extent of the bags through which the contaminated stream flows for purification. A larger coverage improves particle capture efficiency and reduces airstream drag. An optimal value helps to distribute the load more evenly across each element, thereby extending the lifespan of the elements. The calculation and selection of the baghouse surface area are based on the volumetric airflow rate and the required level of atmosphere purification for the specific operating environment.

4. Bag Media

The unit must have considerable mechanical strength, abrasion resistance, and resistance to specific contaminants to withstand the working environment. Understanding the baghouse size of particles is essential for selecting the appropriate components for different industrial applications. Some media have unique properties that enable them to effectively handle specific types of pollutants or operate under particular conditions.

For example, aramid fibers like Nomex offer significant thermal stability and can function at temperatures above 400°F. They are resistant to chemical exposure and abrasive particles. Teflon provides excellent chemical resistance and superior thermal tolerance, enduring temperatures up to 500°F. It is moisture-resistant and has a low coefficient of friction, facilitating easy cleaning. Nylon resists most organic solvents. Fiberglass is renowned for its exceptional thermal stability, withstanding temperatures above 500°F, and it is resistant to most chemicals. For moderate temperature settings, versatile materials such as polypropylene, polyester, acrylic, and polyvinyl chloride perform excellently.

5. Type of Filter Component

There are two main types of them: flat and round. Flat ones offer a larger filtration area per unit volume, enhancing treatment efficiency in compact systems. This is because their flat sides may be placed closer together without significant gaps. They may be pleated or folded in a zigzag pattern, allowing more material to be packed into the same volume. This increases the overall filtration area without enlarging the unit's dimensions, which is crucial when sizing a baghouse.

On the other hand, round components have a simpler design and are easier to clean, making them ideal for high-dust environments. Both types of components provide reliable and efficient purification, and the choice between them depends on specific filtration requirements, operating conditions, and available installation space.

6. Temperature of the Dust-Laden Airflow

This parameter defines the thermal stability requirements of the media and their ability to withstand hot gases without losing functionality. Special media such as aramids and Teflon are used in these conditions, as they can operate at temperatures up to 400°F and 500°F, respectively. Choosing materials that do not match the temperature conditions may lead to rapid element degradation.

7. Dust Concentration at Inlet and Outlet

These parameters together determine the effectiveness of the equipment. The inlet concentration measures the amount of pollutant particles in the gaseous mixture before it passes through the equipment and may vary depending on the contamination source. The outlet concentration indicates how effectively the cleaner captures particles, resulting in purified air. Outstanding efficiency is characterized by a significant reduction in the concentration of baghouse particulate matter at the outlet compared to the inlet.

8. Aerodynamic Resistance

This parameter defines the drag to airflow as it passes through the material surface. Ventilation systems, such as fans or blowers, maintain the necessary airstream by creating a pressure difference sufficient to overcome the drag. High drag can lead to increased energy costs to sustain the required airflow and reduce the overall effectiveness of the filtration system. Aerodynamic resistance depends on the properties of the material, the density of the contaminants, and the baghouse sizing, which includes factors such as surface coverage and dimensions.

Dust Loading Calculation

Dust loading is defined as the amount of particulate matter reaching pollution control equipment per unit of time and is typically expressed in grains per square foot of the surface per hour, i.e., gr/(ft²·h). The basic formula for calculating the parameter is as follows:
Q is the volumetric airflow rate, ft³/h;
C is the contaminant concentration in the incoming mixture, gr/ft³;
M is the mass flow rate of contaminant, gr/h;
A is the coverage, ft².

For example, consider a production facility with a volumetric airflow rate of 10,000 ft³/h. The pollutant concentration in the incoming stream, at the inlet of the equipment, is 0.05 gr/ft³.

The mass flow rate of particulate matter in our example is calculated as follows:
M=10000 ft³/h × 0,05 gr/ft³ = 500 gr/h

Assuming the unit has a total surface area of 200 ft², the dust loading baghouse is then calculated as follows:
L = (500 gr/h) / (200 ft²) = 2,5 gr / (ft²∙h)

This data helps engineers determine the optimal size and quantity of bags, as well as the frequency of their cleaning, to ensure effective cleaner's performance. High values of the parameter may lead to rapid clogging of the elements and increased airstream resistance. Accumulation of the pollutant on the units and lack of timely cleaning can result in increased variability in baghouse standard deviation performance. For more precise calculations of dust loading, the properties of the filtered material, including particle size, shape, and stickiness, are sometimes taken into account.

P.S. Absurd Myths and Outrageous Misconceptions About Baghouse
So, what is the baghouse filter weight? Is it like Homer Simpson’s? And just how expensive is this equipment? Can’t it handle hot gases? Or do some people seriously think they can’t place it in the bathroom to finally clear the air of their wife’s cosmetic dust?

In general, the weight of the unit is determined by the number of bags needed and the corresponding size of the housing. Based on these factors, it may range from around 1 000 pounds to several tens of thousands of pounds. As for their cost, it's worth noting that investing in them can lead to significant long-term savings compared to other types of equipment.

So, if you need help picking the right equipment for particulate matter extraction from gases, don’t hesitate to contact us. We’ll handle all the calculations, consider your specific needs, and make sure that your personal device — collecting dust from your cousin’s wedding cakes — has a baghouse weightthat’s exactly as many Homers Simpsons as you want.
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