If you're looking to enhance the efficiency of your asphalt plant, you are going to want to also periodically inspect your dust collector device. It’s essential to ensure it's running optimally as production depends on it. Here are the three most crucial items to keep in mind on your asphalt plant baghouse inspection sheet to guarantee that your baghouse is functioning efficiently:
Proper sizing: The size of your baghouse is critical. A baghouse that is too small can restrict production, while one that is too large can make it challenging to achieve desired temperatures. Aim for a correctly sized
baghouse dust collector that necessitates 200 CFM per ton of material manufactured, based on 5% composite moisture in your materials. For instance, an 80,000 CFM baghouse would be required for a 400-ton-per-hour plant.
Leak detection in the system: A leak in your baghouse system can deplete the system of air and lower CFM. Ensure that there are no leaks all the way back to the drum, which includes assessing properly functioning drum seals. Look at the dust collector as a vacuum cleaner, where the ductwork and drum function as the suction hose.
Bag life: The state of your baghouse filtering media is essential. Aging or worn-out bags can cause reduced production due to high pressure drops that prevent proper pulsing. Regularly maintain your bags to lengthen their lifespan by tuning and adjusting your burner and ensuring the baghouse temperature is within recommended operating guidelines. This also will fetch a greater reward if an asphalt plant baghouse is published for sale.
Other things to check include the following:- Quantity of bags and individual ID
- Bag damage/tears/holes
- Bag thickness measurement
- Bag installation/replacement/cleaning date record
- Air flow rate recording (CFM) and velocity measurement (FPM)
- Check that the air flow rates are within the specified range
- Performance check of airlocks and dampers
- Record pressure drops across the baghouse and individual bags
- Check that pressure drops are within specified range
- Investigate irregular pressure drops for potential issues
- Exhaust gas temperature recording
- Particle size distribution analysis of collected particulate matter
- Baghouse humidity level check
- Record last bag cleaning/maintenance date
- Leak check of baghouse system
Thus, proper asphalt plant baghouse operation and maintenance are essential for ensuring the safety of workers and the surrounding community. Regular bag cleaning and replacement, monitoring of air flow rates and pressure drops, and conducting regular inspections to identify and address potential problems are all critical components of
baghouse maintenance. By keeping these systems in good working order, a baghouse in an asphalt plant can help to reduce air pollution and protect the health and safety of those in the surrounding area.
Get in touch with us to order yourself your very own trusty, powerful asphalt plant baghouse today!