Coal scrubber maintenance encompasses regular inspections, cleaning, and repairs to ensure the long-term effective operation of the entire configuration. The first step involves routinely checking mechanical components, including pumps, fans, and spray towers, for any signs of wear or damage.
It is also crucial to periodically evaluate the condition of the absorbent, as a decline in its activity over time might reduce cleaning efficiency. This is achieved by analyzing alkaline washing solutions for sulfates, sulfites, and pH levels. If necessary, the solution is replaced or the dosage of reagents is adjusted.
Additionally, cleaning the packing layer, filters, and collectors to remove accumulated coal scrubber sludge is a vital aspect of maintenance.
Emission monitoring technologies must be regularly calibrated to accurately measure pollutant concentrations. Replacing worn components, such as seals and gaskets, helps prevent leaks and ensures the system's integrity.
The frequency of maintenance depends on operating conditions and the type of coal gas scrubber; however, in most cases, preventive maintenance should be performed at least once a month. This does not apply to monitoring parameters necessary for continuous operation.