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Home / Blog / Laboratory Gas Scrubber: Safety Problems and Types

Laboratory Gas Scrubber: Safety Problems and Types

Author: Michael Klepik, Chief Executive Officer

Safety Problems

Chemical professionals routinely face the necessity of performing numerous procedures, often remaining in the laboratory for the entire day. Tasks such as compound synthesis, sample preparation, and analysis, as well as various research activities, can be hazardous and may have long-term health implications for specialists.

Many of the chemical reagents used in laboratories pose significant risks to both humans and the environment. Additionally, the vapors from volatile compounds and gases released during experiments are equally toxic. To ensure laboratory safety, ventilation and personal protective equipment are sometimes insufficient. In such cases, the use of specialized equipment becomes essential.
Polypropylene Lab Packed Bed Scrubber
Polypropylene Lab Packed Bed Scrubber

Laboratory Air Cleaning

A laboratory gas scrubber is widely used to remove impurities from gas-air mixtures. This equipment effectively cleans the air of fine particulate matter, alkaline vapors, acids, organic compounds, inorganic gases, smoke, and other harmful substances. It helps protect human health, prevents equipment corrosion, reduces environmental pollution, and lowers fire hazards.
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How Does a Lab Scrubber Work?

Inside the device, the gas stream comes into contact with a liquid or solid adsorbent, effectively removing nearly all unwanted substances from the gas phase. The liquid or adsorbent is selected specifically for each case, based on the nature of the gas and impurities involved. Therefore, installing an exhaust scrubber in the lab can be considered an effective way to protect against the adverse effects of prolonged laboratory exposure.
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Types of Laboratory Devices

A laboratory fume scrubber is significantly smaller than industrial models. Essentially, it is a scaled-down version of larger systems, with the same functional components, making laboratory gas scrubber's installation simpler compared to industrial counterparts.

For laboratory purposes, simple hollow scrubbers are suitable for cleaning gases with low concentrations of contaminants. Additionally, packed bed systems are ideal for more complex purification tasks that require high efficiency.
Our company manufactures packed bed scrubbers with both random packing, which offers excellent efficiency but requires larger dimensions, and structured packing. Structured packing occupies less space in the column and has lower aerodynamic resistance, enabling more precise control of flow characteristics.
In specific cases, ion-exchange scrubbers are utilized. Although they are not as common as dry or wet ones, they are actively used in electroplating and etching processes, as well as in welding operations, where the removal of specific ions, such as heavy metals, from the gas stream is required.
To achieve optimal results, a combination of different air purification methods is often employed, including ion-exchange, wet scrubbers, and dry adsorption columns. For example, some models of wet packed bed scrubbers can accommodate an additional ion-exchange cartridge:

Particular Features

We have frequently installed fixed-bed gas scrubbers in labs: they are efficient and can operate at any capacity from 0 CFM to the desired value. For instance, a scrubber with a capacity of up to 1200 CFM can function anywhere from 0 to 1200 CFM. This flexibility is not possible with Venturi or foam purifiers, which operate within a fixed range (e.g., 600-1200 CFM). Outside this range, their performance characteristics change, resulting in deviations from the required flow rate and reduced efficiency.

Necessary Precautions: The Perfect High-class Bonus Section of This Article

Do not install laboratory scrubbers at heights exceeding human height, as they could theoretically fall on your head! If this requirement cannot be met, always wear head protection when entering the area of a high-mounted scrubber. Then, if that scrubber crushes you, your colleagues can laugh and say, " What a clown, he even put on a helmet!"
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