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Home / Blog / Key Elements of Scrubber Control System Panel

Key Elements of Scrubber Control System Panel

Author: Michael Klepik, Chief Executive Officer
The operation panel for a wet scrubber is a crucial component designed to manage and optimize the performance of the system. It typically includes various features and functionalities aimed at ensuring efficient performance, safety, and compliance with environmental regulations. Below are the key elements and functions of a wet scrubber control panel.

Key Elements

  • The Power Supply Unit (PSU) provides the necessary electrical power to the management panel and connected components.
  • The Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) is the central processing unit that manages the functionality of the equipment based on programmed logic.
  • The Human-Machine Interface (HMI) is a touchscreen or display interface that allows operators to monitor and control the scrubber.
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Sensors and Transducers

  • Flow sensors measure the flow rate of the scrubbing solution. With advanced scrubber level control, you can monitor and adjust liquid levels precisely, ensuring smooth and efficient operation.
  • Pressure sensors monitor the pressure drop across the device. They measure the pressure difference between the inlet and outlet of the equipment. This pressure drop is an indicator of how much resistance the gas stream encounters as it passes through the scrubbing media. A significant pressure drop may suggest that the media is becoming clogged with particulates, or that the system is not operating efficiently.
  • pH sensors measure the acidity/alkalinity of the cleaning fluid. They are critical for maintaining the optimal chemical balance in the solution. Regular calibration of them ensures accurate readings, which is essential for effective scrubber pH control. These sensors help prevent corrosion and scaling, thereby extending the lifespan of the components.
  • Temperature sensors monitor the temperature of the gas and liquid streams.

Control Components

  • Regulation valves and actuators regulate the flow of the absorption liquid and gases.
  • Pumps and motors in the scrubber control system manage the circulation of the cleaning fluid.
  • The alarm provides visual and audible alerts for abnormal operating conditions.


The automated operation of the equipment includes several key functions. The start/stop regulation feature provides automated sequences for starting and stopping the equipment, guaranteeing smooth and efficient performance. Flow regulation is another critical function that adjusts the flow rates of the liquid and gas to maintain optimal scrubbing conditions. This automation helps in consistently achieving the desired performance and wet scrubber control efficiency.

For a higher level of automation, we can offer you:
  • Automatic refilling and discharge of the reagent.
  • Automatic reagent preparation.
  • Automatic water activation/deactivation.
  • Connecting the automatic contact to the controller and pH meter.

Monitoring and Diagnostics

Real-time monitoring continuously tracks key parameters such as flow rates, pressure, pH, and temperature. This continuous tracking guarantees that the system operates within the desired parameters, allowing for immediate adjustments and maintaining optimal performance.
Effective wet scrubber PM control is essential for ensuring that preventive maintenance procedures are carried out regularly to maintain optimal performance and reliability.
Data Logging records operational data for performance analysis and troubleshooting.

Safety Features

The emergency shutdown (ESD) function immediately shuts down the system in case of critical failures, preventing potential hazards. Additionally, interlocks are implemented to prevent unsafe activities by ensuring that specific conditions are met before the device can start or continue functioning. These safety features are crucial for protecting both the equipment and personnel.

User Interface

  • Equipment status indicators display real-time data on operational parameters such as temperature, pressure, and performance health, ensuring immediate detection of any anomalies.
  • Alarms and notifications provide visual and audible alerts for deviations from normal operating conditions.


  • Network connectivity enables integration with plant-wide systems via industrial communication protocols (e.g., Modbus, Profibus, Ethernet/IP).
  • Remote access allows for monitoring and management from remote locations.

Operational Considerations

Regular calibration of sensors and maintenance of regulation valves, pumps, and other components are essential for the accurate and reliable functioning of the equipment. This routine upkeep helps prevent malfunctions and maintain efficiency.

Periodic updates to the PLC and HMI software are necessary to incorporate improvements, address identified issues, and ensure compatibility with the latest technologies and standards. Keeping software up-to-date helps in enhancing device functionality and security.

Making sure that operators are adequately trained is crucial for effective performance and a thorough understanding of the equipment’s operational principles. Proper training includes familiarization with operational procedures, safety protocols, and troubleshooting techniques. Well-trained operators are better equipped to manage scrubber control efficiency and respond promptly to any issues that arise.

Separator Control

A separator is a component or device used to separate different phases in the flow passing through the scrubber. The primary function is to separate liquid from gas or remove solid particles from the liquid phase. This separation is necessary to allow the liquid to be either reused or disposed of, while the cleaned gas can be safely released.

The separator also helps prevent equipment and system contamination by removing substances from the flow that could cause corrosion, clogging, or other issues.

Controlling a separator involves several essential processes for its effective operation.

Firstly, pressure monitoring is crucial. Regular measurements of pressure before and after the separator help track the pressure drop, which indicates the efficiency of the separation process. Monitoring the pressure in the separator & scrubber controls is also important for detecting potential blockages or performance issues.

Level measurement is another key aspect. Sensors are used to monitor the liquid levels in the separator, preventing issues like overflow or insufficient liquid that can impact separation efficiency. Additionally, keeping track of sediment levels is necessary for the timely removal of accumulated solids.

Evaluating separation efficiency involves analyzing the composition of the outlet streams. Sampling and testing both the liquid and gas streams help confirm that the separator is performing as intended.

Finally, routine maintenance and calibration are essential for optimal performance. Regular cleaning, part replacement, and calibration of pressure and level sensors ensure accurate measurements and reliable performance. Proper management and maintenance of separator & scrubber control systems help maintain efficient performance, prevent contamination, and extend the equipment’s lifespan.

Our wet scrubbers are designed to control air contaminants efficiently, ensuring a higher standard of air purity and operational excellence.
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