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Home / Blog / H2S Scrubber: Design, Operational Principles, Packed Bed Systems, Tank Solutions, and Types of Media

H2S Scrubber: Design, Operational Principles, Packed Bed Systems, Tank Solutions, and Types of Media

Author: Michael Klepik, Chief Executive Officer

Sources and Harm

Industrial sources of hydrogen sulfide emissions are varied and span several key sectors.
  • In the oil and gas industry, the pollutant is released during the extraction and refining of oil and natural gas. Oil refineries generate hydrogen sulfide through hydrodesulfurization processes, where sulfur compounds are removed from hydrocarbons.
  • In the chemical sector, this compound is a byproduct of sulfuric acid production through the contact method and the manufacturing of sulfur dioxide.
  • The pulp and paper industry produces significant amounts of the substance during the cooking of wood pulp, particularly when using the sulfate method.
  • In metallurgy, the contaminant is emitted during the roasting of sulfide ores and the processing of metals like copper and lead.
  • Biogas facilities that treat organic waste also produce the substance as a byproduct of anaerobic digestion.
  • In wastewater treatment and sewer systems, this compound forms as a result of anaerobic decomposition of organic matter.
  • Coke plants, which convert coal into coke, release hydrogen sulfide during pyrolysis.
  • The textile industry emits it during the production of specific dyes and fabric treatments.
Due to its toxicity and corrosive nature, industrial emissions require strict monitoring and effective treatment methods. Although it has a distinct odor similar to rotten eggs, which allows for detection even at low concentrations, rapid olfactory adaptation makes it an unreliable indicator of danger. At low levels, the substance irritates the eyes, nose, and throat, leading to symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, and nausea. Inhalation of high concentrations results in acute poisoning, characterized by loss of consciousness, convulsions, and respiratory paralysis. Chronic exposure to low concentrations may lead to long-term health issues, including respiratory diseases and damage to the central nervous system. In industrial environments, the pollutant also poses risks to equipment, causing corrosion and deterioration of material quality.

H2S Scrubber Design

To address the issue of industrial emissions, specialized equipment is used. What is an H2S gas scrubber? It is a device specifically designed to remove contaminants from air streams, commonly employed in industry to ensure emissions are safe and compliant.
1. The scrubber design calculation begins with identifying the requirements for pollutant removal from the air stream, including concentration, volume, and the desired purification level. Based on these parameters, the appropriate type of the unit (liquid, dry, or their variations) and the suitable absorbent or adsorbent are selected.
2. Key parameters to calculate include the device's height and diameter, which depend on the volume of exhaust stream to be treated per unit time and the contact time with the absorbing substance.
3. The air flow rate is determined next, and the corresponding cross-section of the column is selected to ensure optimal flow conditions while minimizing pressure drop.
4. The next step in the hydrogen sulfide scrubber design involves calculating hydrodynamic characteristics such as airflow and liquid velocities, as well as the mass transfer coefficient. This coefficient represents the rate of mass transfer between the air and liquid during contaminant absorption and is crucial for achieving the required purification efficiency. Based on these calculations, the optimal height of the packing layer is established.
5. Furthermore, the necessary ratio of absorbent volume to the volume of treated air must be determined. This ratio can depend on the inlet and outlet concentrations of the pollutant and the reaction rate with the absorbent. The calculation of required absorbent flow rate to achieve the desired level of air purification also relies on the type of packing used (such as Raschig rings, Berl saddles, Pall rings, Intalox rings, and others), which provide maximum gas-liquid contact area, as well as implementation method (Structured or Random, Fixed-bed or Floating-bed).
6. To prevent corrosion and ensure the durability of the structure, chemically resistant materials and absorbents are carefully selected. For instance, in H2S caustic scrubber design, stainless steel and alloyed steels are often utilized for the vessel body, while chemically resistant plastics and ceramics are commonly used for internal components such as packing, trays, valves, fittings, and piping.
7. The design also includes calculations for the discharge systems of circulating liquids.
8. Additionally, we need to clarify 'what do hydrogen sulfide scrubber products mean in terms of unit efficiency?' during our analysis. This involves evaluating how well these systems remove contaminants and comparing their performance to industry standards.
9. The final stage of H2S gas scrubber design involves ensuring ease of maintenance by providing access to internal components for cleaning and replacement.
10. It is also essential to implement a monitoring and control system, which includes pressure and temperature sensors, airflow and liquid flow meters, pH measurement of the circulating fluid, hydrogen sulfide analyzers at both the inlet and outlet, and emergency alert systems to notify operators of any deviations in parameters.

Operational Principles

Understanding the H2S scrubber, how it works, and its operational principles is crucial for effective industrial air purification. The most effective method for removing the contaminant from dust-free industrial emissions is through packed-bed wet dust collectors. This equipment is specifically designed to capture unwanted impurities from industrial exhausts using a wet scrubbing method.

The operating principle of a wet H2S air scrubber relies on the absorption of the pollutant from the exhaust stream using a fluid absorbent. The pollutant-laden air enters the device and passes through a packed bed, where it contacts a chemical reagent capable of binding with the contaminant. During this interaction, hydrogen sulfide is transferred into the solution, where it chemically reacts with the absorbent. The fluid circulates within the system, ensuring continuous contact with the pollutant and maintaining optimal purification efficiency.

When using a sodium hydroxide solution—the most common liquid for the H2S scrubber — the reactions lead to the formation of sulfides and hydrosulfides, which effectively reduce the concentration of the substance in the outlet stream. To enhance the process's effectiveness, a specialized packing layer is often employed. This packing increases the contact time between the air and fluid phases, thereby improving the mass transfer rate. Additionally, it helps evenly distribute the fluid throughout the unit 's internal volume, minimizing the risk of flooding and ensuring a uniform flow. Consequently, the packed bed plays a crucial role in ensuring the high efficiency of the wet H2S scrubber system.

After contacting the airflow, the spent liquid is collected and may undergo further treatment or disposal. An important aspect of operating a wet H2S scrubber is maintaining optimal conditions, such as temperature and pH. This is essential because the reagent used in the fluid phase is consumed over time, and pH is one of the key indicators that signal when fresh alkali needs to be added to the scrubbing solution.

Capturing can be challenging. This difficulty arises from its low solubility in water, which limits its reaction with reagents in conventional aqueous solutions. To improve the pollutant's removal, an H2S scrubber train consisting of multiple units, each potentially using different absorbents, may be employed depending on the initial concentration of the substance in the treated flow.

If emissions contain solid particles in addition to H2S, relying solely on packed-bed equipment becomes less effective. Dust can clog the packed bed, reducing the contact area between the airflow and the fluid, which diminishes the efficiency of the absorption. This also hinders the uniform flow of phases within the column, resulting in decreased performance. Consequently, more frequent cleaning of the device is required, leading to increased operating costs and downtime.

For airstream containing solid particles, the following options for H2S scrubber technology can be considered:
  • Venturi devices effectively remove both gases and fine particles using high air flow velocities.
  • Cyclones use centrifugal forces, making them suitable for pre-treatment procedures.
An H2S gas scrubber train, consisting of various types of units, may provide an optimal approach for achieving a high degree of purification.
Tornado ST | Spray Tower Scrubber

Packed Bed

In the oil and gas, chemical, food, and other industries, packed-bed devices are commonly used to treat air streams and protect the environment.

Inside the unit, specialized packing materials (such as ball-type, Berl saddles, Pall rings, and others) create a large total liquid surface area, ensuring optimal contact between the air and the absorbent. The airstream flows through the packed bed, where contaminants are absorbed. The packing facilitates uniform liquid flow distribution, preventing the formation of "dead zones" and ensuring high efficiency. The H2S wet scrubber design can be tailored to accommodate various types of absorbents, which will be discussed in more detail below.

The Torch-Air company offers an H2S scrubber for sale in various configurations:

Efficient H2S Tank Solutions

A tank is a reservoir specifically designed for the storage of hydrogen sulfide in either fluid or gaseous form. These tanks are employed in a range of industries, chemical, and energy, to safely store and manage this compound, considering its toxic and corrosive properties.

Because the storage of the compound necessitates strict compliance with safety regulations and monitoring of the substance's concentrations, specialized devices have been developed to remove its vapors that may be emitted from the tank during storage and operation. An H2S scrubber vessel operates on the principle of absorption, similar to other packed-bed devices, where vapors pass through a layer of fluid containing chemical reagents that capture the contaminant. This helps prevent leaks and reduces the risk of atmospheric release.

Such systems are also equipped with packing materials to enhance mass transfer efficiency. H2S scrubber tanks play a crucial role in ensuring safety and compliance with environmental regulations.

Types of Media and Chemical Reactions

Various types of H2S scrubber media are used in wet scrubbing devices. Let’s examine them.

As previously mentioned, water is not effective for cleaning hydrogen sulfide due to its low solubility. Therefore, we will move directly to chemical methods of scrubbing.

The most commonly used reagents for chemical engineering scrubber hydrogen sulfide are sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and potassium hydroxide (KOH). Since a hydrogen sulfide solution in water behaves as a weak acid, it can be easily neutralized by alkalis:
H2S + NaOH(dil.) → NaHS + H2O
H2S + 2NaOH(conc.) → Na2S + 2H2O
H2S + KOH(dil.) → KHS + H2O
H2S + 2KOH(conc.) → K2S + 2H2O

Another approach to neutralizing unwanted impurities is to leverage their strong reducing properties. By incorporating common oxidizers into the scrubbing medium, such as potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide, or potassium hypochlorite, the substance can be oxidized to elemental sulfur or sulfates.
3H2S + 2KMnO4 → 2MnO2 + 3S + 2KOH + 2H2O
H2​O2 ​+ H2​S → S + 2H2​O
NaOCl + H2​S → S + NaCl + H2​O

Additionally, solutions of monoethanolamine (MEA) or diethanolamine (DEA) are often employed, as they effectively absorb the contaminant through chemical interaction.
H2​S + MEA → MEA-H+ + HS
H2​S + DEA → DEA-H+ + HS

Hydrosulfide ions and protonated amines (MEA-H⁺ or DEA-H⁺) are generated during the process. These ions are relatively stable in aqueous solution, and the absorption efficiency increases with higher concentrations of amines in the scrubbing fluid. One of the advantages of this method is that the solution can be regenerated after the absorption of the impurities. During this process, we often inquire, "What are the byproducts of a hydrogen sulfide scrubber?" to ensure effective waste management. The impurities are removed by raising the temperature and lowering the pressure, which allows the amines to react again afterward.

It is important to highlight that the H2S scrubber process may incorporate biological media containing microorganisms, such as Thiobacillus or Desulfovibrio. These microorganisms effectively metabolize the contaminant, converting it into less toxic compounds like sulfur or sulfates.


In the oil industry, leaks occur during the extraction or processing of hydrocarbons, where this material is generated as a byproduct. Consequently, the H2S scrubber from methane is crucial for ensuring safe gas processing in this sector. Similarly, the chemical industry faces leaks during the production of sulfur-containing compounds, such as sulfides and sulfuric acid.

In metallurgy, pollutants are generated during flotation and metal extraction. In power plants that utilize biomass or coal, it may form from the decomposition of organic matter. Wastewater treatment facilities are also at risk of the substance's leaks during anaerobic waste processing.

They are also critical in the food industry, where contaminants are generated during the decomposition of organic materials. In fertilizer production, especially those based on ammonia, the compound may arise during processing.

If your production requires the removal of sulfur compounds from exhaust streams, contact us. Our engineers will answer all your questions and assist you in selecting the appropriate equipment for your specific needs.
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